
Read about articles and content relevant to research, development and industry. Here you will find the latest in terms of events, topical material in the news and other reports associated with high technology.

Partner Spotlight: CeramTec

Partner Spotlight: CeramTec

13 Apr 2023

Testbourne partners with CeramTec to provide a range of reliable, high-performance scientific instruments, built to endure extreme conditions.

V2023 Vacuum Plasma Surface Coating International Conference & Exhibition

V2023 Vacuum Plasma Surface Coating International Conference & Exhibition

23 Feb 2023

Speakers and exhibitors from industry and science will present the latest developments and innovations in the industry to the trade audience.

PLATHINIUM - Plasma Thin Film International Union Meeting

PLATHINIUM - Plasma Thin Film International Union Meeting

23 Feb 2023

PLATHINIUM (Plasma Thin film International Union Meeting) is now a recognized biennial meeting covering plasma physics from combining the former conferences CIP, ITFPC and MIATEC.

New Product - 3D Printing Metal Powder

New Product - 3D Printing Metal Powder

Our range of powders has expanded to include 3D Printing Metal Powders for the manufacture of metallic parts.

Testbourne at SVC TechCon 2023

Testbourne at SVC TechCon 2023

We are pleased to announce that the Testbourne team will be exhibiting at SVC TechCon 2023 in Washington DC.

Latest Products from CeramTec

Latest Products from CeramTec

Discover the latest products from CeramTec, who offer advanced ceramics and Ceramaseal® hermetic component solutions.

New Offices - We're Expanding.

New Offices - We're Expanding.

Our new offices in the Netherlands make Testbourne more accessible to our clients in Europe.